BS16 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BS16 6 is a postcode sector in South Gloucestershire, UK. Below is a complete list of BS16 6 Postcodes (Active). BS16 6 postcode sector comprises of 261 active postcodes. BS16 6 sector has a population of 10580, and it has 4341 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BS16 6 postcode sector

BS16 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 10580
Addresses / Property Count 4341
Active Postcodes 261
Nearby Postcode Districts 46
Nearby Postcode Sectors 8

View Map Of BS16 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 261 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BS16 6AA 51.48833300 -2.50232600 6 15 365219 176718
BS16 6AB 51.48898300 -2.50128200 7 17 365292 176790
BS16 6AD 51.48960200 -2.50206600 20 28 365238 176859
BS16 6AE 51.48958400 -2.50197900 1 2 365244 176857
BS16 6AF 51.49034100 -2.50168500 20 48 365265 176941
BS16 6AG 51.49040400 -2.50125400 21 57 365295 176948
BS16 6AH 51.48968100 -2.49790500 19 54 365527 176866
BS16 6AJ 51.49041800 -2.49416700 25 74 365787 176946
BS16 6AL 51.48939500 -2.49571200 16 41 365679 176833
BS16 6AN 51.48946200 -2.49650500 25 70 365624 176841
BS16 6AP 51.48845300 -2.49318100 9 25 365854 176727
BS16 6AQ 51.49014000 -2.50034300 15 46 365358 176918
BS16 6AR 51.48777200 -2.49267000 15 45 365889 176651
BS16 6AS 51.48648100 -2.49164800 9 21 365959 176507
BS16 6AT 51.48767900 -2.49336000 31 76 365841 176641
BS16 6AU 51.48968200 -2.49984900 23 26 365392 176867
BS16 6AW 51.48831400 -2.49401500 5 12 365796 176712
BS16 6AX 51.48851000 -2.50055600 17 20 365342 176737
BS16 6AZ 51.48898900 -2.50197300 28 30 365244 176791
BS16 6BA 51.48823900 -2.50300200 2 3 365172 176708
BS16 6BB 51.48884800 -2.50354100 13 21 365135 176776
BS16 6BG 51.49299200 -2.50168600 19 23 365267 177236
BS16 6BH 51.50028200 -2.51074100 4 11 364644 178051
BS16 6BJ 51.49958300 -2.51037300 7 16 364669 177973
BS16 6BN 51.48909400 -2.50283800 N/A N/A 365184 176803
BS16 6BP 51.49057700 -2.50314200 18 60 365164 176968
BS16 6BQ 51.48887800 -2.50289400 1 5 365180 176779
BS16 6BS 51.49030900 -2.50240500 11 29 365215 176938
BS16 6BT 51.49178600 -2.50410700 23 57 365098 177103
BS16 6BU 51.49185400 -2.50291200 8 21 365181 177110
BS16 6BX 51.49263600 -2.50320800 9 24 365161 177197
BS16 6BY 51.49349800 -2.50316100 5 14 365165 177293
BS16 6BZ 51.49268200 -2.50261900 13 32 365202 177202
BS16 6DA 51.49201000 -2.50219300 4 5 365231 177127
BS16 6DB 51.49149900 -2.50220200 5 9 365230 177070
BS16 6DD 51.49162600 -2.50195900 12 38 365247 177084
BS16 6DE 51.49163300 -2.50017300 18 44 365371 177084
BS16 6DF 51.49193000 -2.50023300 12 28 365367 177117
BS16 6DJ 51.49968800 -2.48777100 10 41 366238 177974
BS16 6DL 51.49292000 -2.50587700 4 15 364976 177230
BS16 6DN 51.49219500 -2.50503300 21 50 365034 177149
BS16 6DP 51.49417900 -2.50367200 25 65 365130 177369
BS16 6DQ 51.49917200 -2.51152100 26 64 364589 177928
BS16 6DR 51.49466200 -2.50259700 18 60 365205 177422
BS16 6DS 51.49551900 -2.50413300 20 48 365099 177518
BS16 6DT 51.49605100 -2.50582400 25 64 364982 177578
BS16 6DU 51.49509600 -2.50581400 18 49 364982 177472
BS16 6DW 51.49255600 -2.50521000 28 68 365022 177189
BS16 6DX 51.49492800 -2.50520700 3 10 365024 177453
BS16 6DY 51.49440100 -2.50462500 4 11 365064 177394
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